
125年1月7日 星期二



Assignment代写:Marking plan report怎

浏览: 日期:2020-01-13

  Assignment 2 Information Sheet

  To be supplied to students when they receive the coursework assignment task

Unit Co-ordinator:     Dr Rosemary Burnley



Unit Name:      Marketing for Managers


Unit Code:    MAR0601-6


Title of Coursework:  Individual Marketing Plan Report



% weighting of final unit grade:    50%



  作业简介提交说明作业应在提交日期的午夜之前提交。页面应编号。必须提供标题和子标题。必须考虑计划的所有领域。 单元标题和代码编号必须在作业首页上清楚标记。必须在指定的日期和时间之前将课程作业提交Turnitin。逾期工作不被接受,将被视为不合格,并被评定为G(0)(未提交任何工作)。学习成果完成此作业需要您展示以下能力:•确定并严格评估可能影响组织成功的环境因素。 分类和分析正在发挥作用的环境因素,并考虑它们对环境的影响 正在考虑的组织。•对组织进行市场营销审核。全面识别并严格评估组织相对于外部环境的当前优势和劣势。


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  Assessment 2: Individual Marketing Plan Report

  英国合作社(Co-op)集团合作社集团的首席执行官将过去遇到的问题归咎于该组织管理不善。理查德·彭尼库克(Richard Pennycook)告诉BBC广播电台5直播,该组织已被其前任管理层“放任”。但是,他说,最近对其结构和治理的改变应该纠正这种情况。Pennycook先生说,该组织过去曾“管理不善”。“在150年自豪的合作社因做正确的事而享有盛誉之后,我们以相当重要的方式让合作社运动瓦解。”他说,现在它需要变得“更好地做生意”并恢复盈利,他说:“仅应用良好的管理纪律和消除成本就可以提高盈利能力。”彭尼库克表示,有必要经历“痛苦的”出售某些企业的过程,以修复资产负债表。

  该集团专注于杂货店和葬礼,并保留了合作银行20%的股份,该银行现在由美国对冲基金控制。他说,合作社在方便食品市场上仅次于特易购,其产品质量明显提高:“我们绝对可以与最好的公司竞争。”彭妮·库克(Pennycook)先生于去年年初被任命为合作社的临时首席执行官,然后永久担任该职位。合作小组主席艾伦·莱顿(Allan Leighton)在2月被任命为第一位独立主席后,正在重建董事会。他的任命是继2014年创纪录的25亿英镑亏损之后的,这主要是由于该集团银行业务的危机所致。这位前皇家邮政董事长将在星期六主持他的合作社第一次年度会议。合作社成员将投票表决任命三名董事加入董事会。他们是:前劳工部长Hazel Blears;工人教育协会首席执行官Ruth Spellman;公平贸易组织Traidcraft的前首席执行官Paul Chandler。合作社的业务和绩效摘要介绍:合作社集团是英国最大的共同企业,拥有超过800万会员。它是英国在全国范围内运营的第五大食品零售商,拥有近2,800家本地,便利和中型商店。在其其他全资业务中,英国排名第一的fun葬服务提供商,一家主要的综合保险公司和发展中的法律服务业务。

  The Group also has a minority shareholding in The Co-operative Bank and a joint-venture travel business with Thomas Cook.

  Co-op’s Businesses:

  The performance of our businesses reflects how they are at different stages of the Rebuild process:

  o Our Food business continued the implementation of the True North strategy, focused on the convenience market. The business delivered a robust performance, with like-for-like sales up 0.4% overall, and 3.2% in the core convenience estate. Underlying profits increased 1.5% to £251m. We acquired 82 new convenience stores and refurbished more than 700 stores; prices were lowered across 40 categories and the investment in own-brand product continued with over 170 awards for quality won during the year

  o Funeralcare, where we are currently developing the next phase of our strategy, saw sales fall almost 2% by £7m in a year affected by a particularly low death rate. However, underlying profits rose by 6% to £66m after a clear focus on efficiencies

  o General Insurance is now pursuing a new strategy, with a focus on providing motor and home insurance products targeted at Co-operative Group members. The business experienced difficult trading conditions, in line with the industry as a whole, with market premiums dipping across Home and Motor. Revenue was also impacted by a conscious decision to exit low-profit areas. Revenue fell to £371m (2013: £476m), leading to an underlying loss of £7m, compared to a profit of £36m in 2013

  o Legal Services witnessed a year of significant change. Revenues declined by a third to £23m, due mainly to the decline of personal injury income following regulatory changes. However, decisive action taken on operating costs reduced prior year underlying losses from £9m to £5m in 2014, and in the second half of the year the business was trading profitably.

  Source: The Co-operative Group, April 09, 2015.

  The Marketing Task:

  Richard Pennycook, Chief Executive of The Co-operative Group, made the following comment:

  “We made solid progress in 2014 as we successfully concluded the Rescue phase of our turnaround. The hard work of Rebuilding The Co-operative Group for the next generation, and restoring it to its rightful place at the heart of communities up and down the UK, is now underway. (9th April, 2015)

  A key deduction from Richard Pennycook’s comment is that the focus of the Co-op Group is now on rebuilding the company in order to achieve sustainable growth.

  One of Co-op’s businesses, the food retailing business, seems to be on its way to recovery. As a Marketing Consultant, you have been approached by Co-op’s Chief Executive, to develop a Marketing Plan for Co-op’s food retailing business for the next five years.

  Marketing Plan (Key areas to cover)

  - Executive Summary

  - Introduction & Objectives

  - Market Situational Analysis, especially the competition

  - Target Market/Segmentation

  - Marketing Mix Strategy

  - Implementation & Control

  - Budget/Sales Projections

  In terms of the content of the Marketing Plan Report, you will be marked on the degree to which you:

  Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the purpose of the exercise.

  Display knowledge of the planning tools and theories involved and an ability to apply them effectively.

  Demonstrate the ability to select critical points, evaluate them and communicate the conclusions effectively.

  In terms of overall presentation, you will be marked on the following:-

  Language (Appropriate Language, Grammar, spelling etc.)

  Presentation (Layout, Style, Quality etc.)

  Further Guidance on the Marketing Plan Report

  Objectives – objectives need to be SMART but it is unnecessary to explain in detail how smart they are.

  The balance between market analysis and the actual planning/actions– ensure that your submissions are balanced with regards to analysis and planning. For example, do not use a lot of space summarising the analysis, at the expense of setting objectives and planning objective-specific marketing strategies and tactics.

  Vagueness – planning needs to be very specific; stating that you will use ‘social media’ for promotion because it is the ‘most efficient tool’ is not enough. You need to explain the social media tool (s) – what they are, why you are using them and how you would use them.

  Academic content – you are expected to apply models, and not just describe or define them. For example, your SWOT or PEST analyses should not read like textbooks in which you explain what SWOT or PEST are – this is essentially incorrect. You needed to apply them and not describe them.

  Executive summary – an executive summary should be written in a way that allows the executive who reads it to know what the problem is and how it is to be solved. Essentially, it is a summary of your problem statement, objectives and how to achieve them (i.e. how to solve the problem).

  Secondary data use – Analysis should be supported with secondary data (from the literature). You should demonstrate wider reading and acknowledge the sources of your information, both in the main body and in your bibliography. Avoid making very bold but not substantiated statements, such as ‘the best supermarket in the UK’ or ‘massive campaign’ or ‘massive customer segment’. Give numbers if you think the segment is large and compare it to other segments to give an idea of the size of it.

  Presentation and structure – to achieve an excellent grade, your presentation needs to be immaculate – this includes numbering tables, referencing correctly etc. Do not present a lot of data and information in tables as appendices. Data or statistics that refer directly to your discussion in the main body, should be presented in the main body. Tables and figures – tables and figures need to be numbered and each should have a title that is self-explanatory. Your analytical content must be high, demonstrating critical thinking and the ability to apply relevant marketing concepts (refer to the marking criteria in your handbook).

  Word limit – although there is no word limit for this work, there is a page limit. Your Marketing Plan Report should be presented in not more than five pages. This will, however, exclude your references in the bibliography, the appendices and the cover page. Please, note that your cover page must have your Full Name and ID Number.

  Good Luck!!!

  Dr. Rosemary Burnley

  Marking Criteria for the Marketing Plan Report

  To obtain an A grade you must:

  Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the task for the Marketing Plan

  Display knowledge of the concepts/theories involved and an ability to apply them effectively.

  Provide evidence of further reading, including academic journals.

  Demonstrate the ability to select critical aspects of the plan, evaluate them and communicate the conclusions and strategic recommendations effectively

  To obtain a B grade:

  Show a clear understanding of the tasks for the Marketing Plan

  Display knowledge of most of the concepts/ theories involved and an ability to apply them effectively.

  Provide evidence of wider reading.

  Demonstrate the ability to select critical aspects of the plan, evaluate them and draw sound conclusions and strategic recommendations.

  To obtain a C grade:

  Show an adequate understanding of the tasks for the Marketing Plan

  Display knowledge of some of the concepts/ theories involved and an ability to apply them.

  Provide evidence of some wider reading.

  Demonstrate the ability to select key aspects of the plan and provide analysis of these.

  To obtain a D grade:

  Show some understanding of the tasks for the Marketing Plan

  Display knowledge of some of the concepts/ theories involved and an ability to apply them.

  Provide evidence of some wider reading.

  Demonstrate the ability to select key aspects of the plan and provide analysis of these.

  To obtain an E grade:

  Made an attempt to complete the tasks of the Marketing plan

  Display little knowledge of the concepts/ theories involved.

  No evidence of academic reading.

  An inability to recognise the key aspects of the plan.

  To obtain an F1/F2 grade:

  Work of little academic merit.

  To obtain a G grade:

  Work of no academic merit.

  No attempt.
